Monday, August 30, 2010

Bisi bele bath

What to say abt this dish!!! ate dis dish 1st time at my frnd;s home(bharathi), basically she being kanadigan, she;s an expert at dat dish, dont know howmany time;s i had dis dish,felt d same love & taste..i too learnt frm her,but i dont know,wont get d same taste!!, may b sumthing;s suhldnt b tried atall!! & u know wht,i never evr heard this,but she did a curry wiht pineapple, guess thr r many dishe;s to b discovered frm her culnery..keep rocking bharathi, love u for wht u r & wht u do,.


  1. Akka! where is the bisi bele bath finally.I am unable to see the Bisi bele bath..Even I am not seeing or tasting or smell atleast..Is it that Bisi bele bath already taken out by somebody from this site? I dont know really..:-)

    Dont worry akka, if she cooks well..thats her talent..if you wont cook well thats your talent..ok dont worry,,ivanni mamule...

  2. Thanks Sirisha!! you r the sweetest :-)...sorry for the late comment though....keep writing awesome Blog!!
